Rendlesham: Scans of Documents


MOD Cover thumbnail

Halt Memo thumbnail

“Halt Memo”: Col Charles Halt's memo to the Ministry of Defence
describing sightings of Unexplained Lights at RAF Woodbridge
(Crown Copyright MoD)

pressbriefing thumnnail

“Pressbriefing”: Defensive Press Briefing drawn up by DS8 following
News of the World story in October 1983

Titchmarsh memo thumbnail

“Titchmarsh”: Loose Minute from Pam Titchmarsh of DS8 to RAF
concerning Bentwaters UFOs, March 1983

Badcock memo thumbnail

“RAFmemo”: Reply to DS8 from Squadron Leader Badcock,
21 March 1983 reporting: “I have received no evidence that any
radar reported unusual tracks.”



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